Flamsteed – The First Astronomer Royal – And the Quest for Longitude


22 May 2023


10:30 – 12:00

Flamsteed – The First Astronomer Royal – And the Quest for Longitude

John Flamsteed was a hugely influential astronomer and mathematician at the end of the 17th Century but why is it that he is so little known? Flamsteed was appointed by Charles II as England’s first Astronomer Royal and an observatory was built at Greenwich that would help him to determine methods for finding longitude.

It is in this period of history that modern science, based on observed facts, replaced the philosophical beliefs that had been taught since the time of Aristotle. Flamsteed contributed a huge amount of new knowledge to mathematics and astronomy. His meticulous observing skills attracted the attention of Isaac Newton. Initial correspondence between them was friendly but distrust led to a 30-year long feud.

It is probably true that without Flamsteed’s discoveries, Newton would have struggled to formulate the laws of gravity. We will see how their tempestuous relationship played out and how Edmund Halley (of Comet fame) made matters worse. Brian Cox would never behave this badly!