How to join

The Membership Year runs from January to December. Applications are not accepted in December. Any application submitted in December will be held over and processed in January for the start of the new membership year. Payments should not be made until January.

Thank you for your interest in Moraira-Teulada U3A. All membership applications should be made online.

To complete your application, please:

  1. Read the Declarations below. You will be asked to agree to the Applicant Declaration.
  2. Enter your contact information in the form below for each individual application. If you share an e-mail address with your partner, please provide the e-mail address on both application forms. Please ensure that you give your correct e-mail address.
  3. Check for a confirmation after pressing the Send button. Don’t forget to notify the Membership Secretary if you subsequently change your email address.
  4. Transfer the appropriate amount for membership using the instructions below the online membership form. The Membership Secretary will process your application when your payment has been received. Please make the transfer immediately after you have submitted your application.
  5. Please add to your contacts so that confirmation of your membership details come straight into your inbox. If you have not received a reply to your application within 7 days, please check your Promotions and/or Spam folders.
  6. If, for any reason, you are not able to complete your membership application in this way, please contact

Applicant Declaration

  • I fully understand that I participate in activities at my own risk and with my own insurance cover
  • I agree to comply with all terms and conditions of membership as laid down in the U3A Constitution and Internal Regulations.
  • By joining or renewing as a member of the Moraira-Teulada U3A, I agree that information I provide to the U3A will be stored on computers and servers in Spain and abroad. (Your data will only be used to communicate with you and manage your membership and that its use will be restricted within the U3A and not communicated to third parties under any circumstances.) If you leave the U3A or do not renew your membership, your data will be removed from our IT systems, although it may be retained in our archival records.

U3A Data privacy declaration
We declare that our organisation has implemented measures that correspond to the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereinafter the “GDPR”. You may at any time exercise your right to access and modify your personal data by email request to

By joining our organisation and providing an email address, you will automatically be sent General and Travel newsletters and Enews bulletins. At the end of each of these newsletters there are links to enable members to opt out of newsletters.

Application to Join U3A Moraira-Teulada

(Membership year runs from January-December)

Please complete separate application forms for each new member

We ask all members to provide their mail address as this is our primary means of communication. If you do not have an e-mail address, please contact the Membership Secretary at the next General Meeting or Coffee Morning.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Email address
Have you previously been a member of Moraira U3A?
I agree to the Applicant Declaration terms above

Payment by bank transfer

Please make a payment by bank transfer from a EURO bank account to cover all membership applications. The annual membership fee is 10€ per person. The payment reference must include the surname(s) of the applicant(s) so that we can allocate the payments correctly.  We cannot accept payments from UK bank accounts.

The U3A bank account details are;


Bank is:   Caixa Bank, Moraira

IBAN is:   ES02 2100 7686 6602 0016 4581

Account holders name is: Asoc. Social Tercera Edad Teulada-Moraira.

Please write in payment reference/description   NEW MEMBER – SURNAME(S)

You can contact the Membership Secretary by email:

General Meetings and directions to meeting place

General Meeting Venue
Parking There is underground parking almost next to the Salón which belongs to the Bertomeu store, and they have agreed to allow U3A members to park there on the first Monday of each month for the duration of our General Meetings. The only exception is that we must leave 2 spaces for Bertomeu customers. Parking is …

More information about General Meetings and Statutes