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Author: Piotr Azia
Canasta group dinner 20th August 2018
The summer dinner of the U3A canasta group held at IchiBan last Monday the 20th August. 13 of us had a splendid evening as always.The group will continue to meet every Monday at the El Martillo bar (under Pepe …
Ancient Egypt 17th Sept 2018: The Israelites in Egypt
Hope you had a great summer break (and it was not too hot for you!).Well, the upcoming season of Egyptology/Ancient World lectures starts up again on Monday 17th September, usual place and usual time (La Senieta, starting at 10:30 …
Art and History Talks
John Hopwood Group Leader Adrian Gracia Assistant Group Leader Colin Donadio Assistant Group LeaderGroup Leader: John Hopwood Frequency: on the second and fourth Monday of each Month.Venue: La Senieta (Theatre), Moraira Past U3A President John Hopwood is …
180924 History Talk 24th Sep: RAF 100th Anniversary
Date: Monday 24th September 2018 10:30 Location: Salón de Actos, Espai la Senieta, Moraira (next to the large free car park) Subject: The Royal Air Force 100th Anniversary 1918-2018 Lecturer: Brian Nicholls I have been asked by Cheda if I …
Current Bookings
Current bookings for the Salón de Actos, la Senieta and the Aula de AsociacionesThis spreadsheet allows you to follow the status of requests for the Salón de Actos de la Senieta and Aula de Asociaciones.After making one or …
181126 History Talk 26 Nov: The 2nd Spanish Republic and the Civil War 1930-1939
Date: 26th Nov 2018 10:30 Location: Salón de Actos, Espai la Senieta, Moraira (next to the large free car park) Subject: The 2nd Spanish Republic and the Civil War 1930-1939 Lecturer: Alan Oliver The Second Spanish Republic 1930 – 1939…
Ancient Egypt 18th June: The Journey to Mount Sinai
Date: Monday 18th June 10:30 Location: Salón de Actos, Espai la Senieta, Moraira (next to the large free car park) Subject: The Journey to Mount Sinai Lecturer: David Rohl Continuing with the Exodus story by taking you into Sinai for …
Moraira-Teulada U3A Celebrates its 10th Anniversary
Almost two hundred and fifty members of Moraira-Teulada U3A celebrated the 10th anniversary of their organisation with a wonderful Dinner-Dance at the Salon Canor banqueting suite on the 30th of May. The evening commenced with a cava reception held in …
180528 Art Talk 28th May: The Newlyn School
Date: 28th May 2018 10:30 Location: Salón de Actos, Espai la Senieta, Moraira (next to the large free car park) Subject: The Newlyn School Lecturer: Cheda Panajotovic In 1830 some French ‘Romantic Painters’, hungry for ‘realism’ moved south of …
Ancient Egypt 21st May Exodus: the Miracle of the Sea
Date: Monday 21st May 10:30 Location: Salón de Actos, Espai la Senieta, Moraira (next to the large free car park) Subject: Exodus: The Miracle of the Sea Lecturer: David Rohl I am back from my travels and busy getting the …
180625 History Talk: History of The Automobile
Date: 25 June 2018 10:30 Location: Salón de Actos, Espai la Senieta, Moraira (next to the large free car park) Subject:The History of the Automobile – or the car! Lecturer: John Hopwood This talk will examine the history of, …
Treasurers Report for 2017 after the audit
The 2017 Financial Accounts have been audited by Ian Brown on 17 January 2018. Observations. Our income in 2017 from membership fee was € 12.645,00. The membership fee was made up by 1593 members paying € 5,00, and 52 members …