The History of Woolworths and the Amazing Exploits of Members of the Woolworth Family

The History of Woolworths and the Amazing Exploits of Members of the Woolworth Family

Sadly, we have far fewer members willing to prepare and offer talks to our members than was the case eight or nine years ago so I thought it excusable to repeat one or two!

I first gave this talk approximately six years ago and it was the subject of so many comments that I felt it well worth offering again.

Frank Woolworth was a farm boy who built the largest retail business in the world and he also built the tallest building in the world paying for it out of his back pocket in cash!

His two grandchildren, Barbara Hutton and Jimmy Donahue inherited vast sums of money and lavishly spent most of it in hedonistic pursuits with many partners as well as purchasing the most fabulous jewellery and amazing properties.

Both died in sad circumstances despite inheriting such vast wealth.