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Minutes of the U3A General Meeting 6th December 2021
University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada
Minutes of the General Meeting held on 6th December 2021
Those taking part: Committee Members: Prue Jackson, Peter Johnson, Pat Clarke, Stephen Higham, David and Eileen Haxon.
Apologies for Absence: Paul Sankey, Tony Old
- Welcome and Reminder of Emergency and Safety Precautions.
The President welcomed everyone to the meeting, reminding the attendees of the emergency and safety procedures.
Synopsis of the minutes from 1st November 2021.
The Secretary gave a synopsis of the minutes from our last general meeting held on the 1st November 2021.
- Approval of the Minutes of 1st November 2021
Approval of these minutes was proposed by Ray Guise – Smith and seconded by Brian Clarke. These minutes were approved by those present.
- Presidents Address
The President welcomed everyone to the last meeting of the year and hoped everyone enjoyed this rather different meeting. She stated that although it had been a difficult year, hopefully the major problems associated with Covid 19 would reduce next year, and we could look forward to getting back to normality. Whilst it was appreciated that many members were still cautious about meeting in large numbers, and travel problems due to the pandemic were ongoing, most groups were up and running. Prue expressed her thanks to all the Group Leaders for their efforts. We had a very successful social event in the form of a Hog Roast, and with 2 Christmas dinners planned and a dinner dance in the planning stage for next year, the social scene has definitely improved. We currently have 2074 members, that is an increase of 183 since last year and membership renewals will commence from Jan 3rd next year.
Several committee positions are still vacant, including Treasurer and Deputy Secretary. A travel coordinator is still being sought, and with many trips and excursions being planned, this will be an important role in the association. If anyone wishes to have further details about any of the vacant positions, they are encouraged to contact Prue or any committee member.
- Treasurers Report
Steve Higham once again gave a comprehensive report on the association finances which are healthy and in good order. The details can be found on our website.
Subscriptions will once again be collected on 2 separate occasions in the Salon de Actos, Espai La Senieta, Moraira and at the General meetings in 2022, details of which will be sent to members in the newsletters.
The change from Sabadell bank to La Caixa bank is being slowly progressed and is going according to plan.
- Groups and Travel
Prue reported that we now have 2 badminton groups with the 2nd group being an associate group led by Michael Bond, which is aimed at the more experienced players. It has been put forward that a card players group may be of interest to members, if anyone wishes to form such a group they should contact Prue initially. The Egyptology group may have to change their meeting day to Wednesday due to a scheduling clash, Prue will investigate the availability of the Senieta. We still need volunteers to help run the travel group, and a Groups Co-coordinator is required. The recent trip to La Zenia Boulevard was very successful, and an IKEA trip is planned in February. A day trip to Valencia is being planned for the 24th May.
- Social Report
The 2 Christmas Dinner evenings organised by Tony Old are now highly anticipated, attendees are reminded they must produce valid Covid 19 certificates of vaccination or proof of a recent negative Covid 19 test along with a form of ID to gain entrance. Plans are being drawn up for a Spring Dinner Dance. (The 2 Christmas Dinner Dances as above have now been postponed due to Covid 19)
- Membership Liaison
Steve Higham stated that he had received no communications from members
- Approval of Proposed Charity
It was proposed by David Haxon and seconded by Sue McNae that “Make a Smile” be the approved charity of the year adopted by the Moraira – Teulada U3A. This was voted on by a show of hands and carried by a majority.
- Presentation to MABS
David Haxon was very pleased to hand a cheque for the sum of 486€ to Jacqui Philips MBE, President of MABS in respect of proceeds received from a recent quiz night and bookstall. Jacqui thanked Eileen and David Haxon and Peter and Pauline Griffiths for their work in raising money for MABS through U3A activities, and gave a brief outline of what MABS has in the planning stages for the future.
The meeting closed at 11:05am
Proposed as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 6th December 2021
Secretary of the Meeting ………………………………….Peter Johnson