Minutes of the June 2024 General Meeting

University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada

Minutes of the General Meeting held on

3rd June 2024 at Salon G.L., Teulada

Welcome and Reminder of safety procedures

Prue welcomed everyone and was pleased to see new members present. She pointed out the safety arrangements and asked for mobile telephones to be turned off or put in silent mode.

Synopsis of the last meeting (March 2024)

As Tony Old was recovering from his recent operation(s) Paul Sankey presented a short summary of the key points of the last meeting which had also covered the Annual General Meeting.

He reminded everyone that the full minutes had been posted on the website. Acceptance was proposed by Peter Griffiths and seconded by Mary Snell. They were approved by members via a show of hands.

Presidents Address

Prue began by congratulating Coral Guise-Smith on the previous week’s social event which had been enjoyed by everyone present.

She highlighted that we were still looking for a Newsletter Editor as without this the Newsletter publication would not be possible.

A Groups Coordinator was also still required, Prue has been doing this role but it requires dedicated effort – if anyone was interested in the role she would be delighted to talk to them.

Final approval was close to being given by the Town Hall for the David Rohl event (a Beatles Anthology) on September 5th in aid of Make a Smile our chosen charity. September looked to be very busy month on the social scene as other events were also being planned, including on 17th September when an event for “Make a Smile” was being planned at Font Santa by David and Eileen Haxon.

Work done on developing a new Constitution and Internal Regulations was progressing well and although they were still with the Solicitor he had confirmed that we could begin to use the Internal Regulations. .

Treasurers Report

The Treasurer reported that at the end Of May 2024 there was a balance of 42,033Euro in our bank account, inclusive of the contingency fund (10,000).

Receipts for trips so far this year amounted to over 46,000 Euro with some having already been spent. There were creditors of 4,100 which includes some refunds due for trips and other events. These refunds would be given once bank details are received.

1131 Euro had already been raised for “Male a smile” our chosen charity with 1080 of this coming from David and Eillen Haxons’s ever popular Quiz Nights!

There were quite a few trips planned over the coming months and she again asked that when members made payment’s they clearly specify which trip they are paying for! Sounds simple but if this is not done it can result in a lot of detective work to allocate the money correctly!


Prue was pleased that Groups were running well and thanked Mary Snell for her many years (12) spent leading the Mosaics group. This was a very popular group with some outstanding items being created. Ian Botterell would be taking over from Mary.

The Art and History Group were looking for assistance and potentially someone to take over from John Hopwood.

Travel Group

Eileen Brown referenced the upcoming five trips and that more details of these were contained in the Travel Newsletter.

David and Eileen Haxon were now taking bookings for the Valencia trip and would be doing the same for the ever popular La Zenia “shopping” trip in September.

The level of likely support for a trip to see Circ de Soleil would be assessed shortly as it is necessary to buy tickets before making a booking.

Social Events

The recent event at El Canor on May 31st had been a great success and Coral Guise-Smith was thanked for making this happen.

David Haxon outlined the planned charity event on September 17th which would be open to non-members. He asked that everyone “spread the word”,

Membership/Committee Liaison

Denis Ainscough had nothing to report.

Matters arising from the reports

Nothing was raised.

Any other Business

Nothing was raised.

The meeting closed at 10.40 and the next meeting would be on July 1st at Ifach Golf

President: Prudence Jackson ………………………………………………………………………

Secretary: Paul Sankey ………………………………………………………………………..