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The President, Prue Jackson opened the meeting at 10.30 and ran through security and safety procedures.
A synopsis of the Minutes from the last GM was presented by Tony Old, Nominated by Peter Oldfield and Seconded by Eileen Haxon.
Presidents Address: Prue stated that the informal meetings where people could meet for coffee and buy tickets for trips etc had been very successful. The most recent such meeting at the Ifach Golf Club had been very well attended, had worked very well and therefore would continue to be used.
The hot summer had dragged on, but the summer party at Sataris, had been a huge success.
Looking ahead Prue felt that it was going to be a busy autumn and as is ever the case volunteers would be very welcome to help deliver what is planned. There was a particular need for a Newsletter Editor as the current holder of this post had expressed a wish to step back (see Groups below).
Treasurer´s Report
Annette explained that after many months and numerous visits to the Caixa bank, which was very frustrating for all involved, she was now pleased to say that at last she had managed to get access to the bank account allowing her to produce the accounts. She thanked everyone for their patience.
The accounts for this month would be published on the website as soon as they were approved by the Committee.
At the end of September, we had €25,400 in the bank, of which €5,900 is creditors for various trips etc and the €10,000 contingency fund.
The Barcelona trip was now fully booked and paid for.
After discussion at the most recent Committee meeting it had been decided to recommend that the membership fee for the coming year should remain at 10 euros. This was proposed by Colin McNae and seconded by Merilyn Snell. This was put to the vote and was unanimously agreed.
She stressed that when making payments through the bank, it would help her considerably if the trip/event that they related was stated. Many payments for different events are similar in price and this made it difficult her to pick up and allocate. She asked everyone to make her life easier by this simple discipline
The new ladies lunch group had started in September and she was sure that all the ladies who attended had a wonderful time. She hoped that more would join us for the next event later this month.
Group and Travel Reports
As mentioned by Annette, the ladies ´Let´s Do Lunch´ group had been launched on the 27th September, the first venue being the Olive Tree in Moraira, and had been a great success attended by 26 ladies.
Diane Ord has taken over the Knit and Natter Group as Group Leader.
There was a pressing need for someone to take on the position of Newsletter Editor, a role currently performed by Sharon Taylor. Sharon has stated that she wanted to step down due to other commitments and therefore a volunteer is needed for this key role.. Prue passed the mike to Sharon who confirmed that she did indeed wish to step down or at the very least take a back seat and assist whoever would be willing to take on the position.
Film Group: Upcoming films were as follows:
10th October ……..THE DUKE followed by THE WHITE COUNTESS; THE OUTFIT; THE BLUES BROTHERS and then the December film which will be DEATH ON THE NILE. A new version of an old classic, this time by Kenneth Branaugh.
Film nights are held at La Senieta and are free for Members.
David Haxon reported that all trips were being well supported with the Barcelona Trip and the Seville trip fully booked with a waiting list. Coral Guise Smith was in the process of organising ´THE DALI EXPERIENCE¨and information on this trip would be available soon.
David also mentioned that the Inn on the Green were holding a bowls competition on the 10th of October and everyone was invited to attend.
Social Secretaries Report
Following a busy spring – during which we arranged a number of very popular events, including a Valentines Dinner at Satari’s and as has been mentioned earlier one of our most successful events ever- the Party in the Park to celebrate our late Queens Platinum Jubilee at Font Senta, and of course our Presidents Concert for Ukraine which raised an amazingly generous donation. We ended the season with a Summer Garden party, again at Satari’s which was another full house enjoyed by all on a beautiful summers evening.
We have, as I am sure everyone will be aware arranged a Christmas Dinner-Dance on 2nd December at Salones Canor, Teulada – which is under new management and for which we have negotiated a special menu, and where we will be entertained by the fantastic Ges Rogers Union Gap. As usual, the meal includes wine, beer or soft drinks provided throughout the meal up to coffee being served. The cost is 40 euro to members, and from the end of the month we will for the first time be accepting member’s guests at 50 euro each.
Some good news for the great many of members who joined us, and had such a great time at the Party in the Park last June, we are currently looking to hold a similar event, probably next spring – when the date is announced, which will be a “”Coronation Party in the Park” – again along the lines of a “Street Party” at Font Santa!
Membership Liaison : No report was made due to holidays..
Any Other Business:
Parking in Moraira. The Council had announced that they were looking into this but no decision had as yet been announced. An option was to request residents who had underground car parking available to use it which would release spaces for visitors. Prue promised that as soon as a decision was made the information would be given out
The General Meeting closed at 11am.
Presentation to members
Following the conclusion of the meetings business a presentation was received from Nicole Sandler of Chase Buchanan. This covered “Estate Planning for Spanish Residents” with regard to the Spanish legal aspects of Wills, Taxation, Finance and Protection.
This was an excellent presentation and the majority stayed to listen and ask Questions.
President, Prue Jackson ………………………………………………………………………………..
Secretary, Paul Sankey ………………………………………………………………………………….
Date ………………………..