Minutes of the February 2024 General Meeting

University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada

Minutes of the General Meeting held on

5th February 2024 at Salon G.L., Teulada

Records of attendance showed that over 98 individuals had “signed in” to the meeting.

Welcome and Reminder of safety procedures

Prue Jackson pointed out the safety arrangements and asked for mobile telephones to be turned off or put in silent mode.

Synopsis of the last meeting (December 2023)

Tony Old read out a synopsis of the minutes of the December meeting. The full minutes had been posted on the website. Acceptance was proposed by Ray Guise-Smith and seconded by John Snell. Approved by members by a show of hands.

Presidents Address

Prue Jackson confirmed that membership renewals were progressing well and keeping Pat Clarke very busy!

A Groups Coordinator was still required, Prue had been doing this role but it really requires dedicated effort. She asked that members think hard about taking on this role.

We would also be needing a Member Liaison as a result of Steve Higham stepping down.

Prue concluded by stressing that next month was the Annual General Meeting and she asked for everyone to come along.

Treasurers Report

Annette Warr reported that the 2022 accounts had been audited and were now on the website. David Haxon proposed their acceptance with Coral Guise-Smith seconding.

We had funds of 66,465 Euro at the end of the year although much of this related to trips and our usual contingency fund.

Annette had encountered a number of problems in the year and she hoped that a separate bank account for the Travel Group would address a number of these.


Prue Jackson confirmed that Groups were now up and running although the Group Leader for the embryonic Men that Lunch Group had not yet been confirmed.

The Group Leaders dinner was being organized (now confirmed as March 12th) at the Javea Golf Club which has plenty of car parking space

Travel Group

Coral Guise-Smith gave an overview of the various trips that are planned and placed particular emphasis on the safety of the Jordan Trip where the various government authorities had confirmed this. There are two places available if any members want to come along.

If the safety level was changed then appropriate action would be taken.

More information on trips is covered in the Travel Newsletter which is due to be released shortly.

Prudence Jackson thanked Coral for her efforts during the year.

Social Events

Tony Old explained that he will be taking a back seat role during the coming year as a result of two planned operations in the period.

Volunteers are looking at delivering events in Tony’s “absence” and these look promising.

The next major event will be at El Canor on May 31st

Membership/Committee Liaison

Once again Steve Higham was able to report that he had nothing to report.

Matters arising from the reports

Nothing was raised.

Any other Business

Tony Old ran through the current position with regard to the updating of our Constitution, emphasizing that although things were going well the final product was still several months away.

The meeting closed at 11.55.


Presentation by our Chosen Charity for 2024

Tony Grande (of Make a Smile) gave an update on the history of the body and the considerable challenges that they face.

The charity is supported by donations such as ours and they now have 9 houses for the 131 children that are receiving support.

Steve and Barbara also explained the assistance that they receive in their shop and how this will need to be increased given that the 90 day rules has affected a number of volunteers. Nearly all donations are gladly received, the exceptions being Compact Discs and Printers.

If anyone is interested in volunteering please let Tony know – all help is gratefully received.

President: Prudence Jackson ………………………………………………………………………

Secretary: Paul Sankey ………………………………………………………………………..