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Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on7 March 2022
University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on
7 March 2022 as Salon G.L., Teulada
Prue Jackson made the First Call for the AGM at 10:00 as this must happen half an hour before the Elections if there is an insufficient proportion of the membership present. Prue then welcomed all members to the meeting.
Tony Old read out the synopsis of the minutes of the 7 February 2022 meeting. The full minutes had been posted on the website, were proposed by Noelene Cummins, seconded by John Snell and approved by the members with a show of hands.
Presidents Address:
Prue thanked all the members for attending the meeting, especially on this cold wet morning. She thanked all for their support.
With the easing of Covid restrictions we are all relishing a return to a more normal lifestyle and hopefully we can put this dreadful pandemic behind us.
The postponed Christmas dinner was held on the 14th February and proved to be a very successful evening. On the 1st April there will be a presentation by the Ayuntamiento on the future and support offered for Ex Pat’s living in Spain, and this is coincidentally the date for the Group Leaders dinner at Satari’s.
Prue said it had been suggested that we have a collection point at the meeting for items needed for Ukraine. However, the Council were doing an excellent job and the Town Halls were a more convenient drop off point
Members were encouraged to liaise with the Ayuntamiento who are coordinating relief efforts in the area.
Treasurers Reports
Steve Higham gave a brief rundown on the U3A accounts for February. These are on the website
There are a number of refunds outstanding, applicable members are encouraged to apply for these.
Elected Auditor 2022 / 2023
Ian Brown was proposed as auditor for the Association accounts by Lyn Radford Johnson, this was seconded by Bridget Redmond and a vote in favour proved unanimous by those present.
Most groups are now active once again, with many interesting and informative events taking place, the Egyptology group is about to recommence presentations and the Art and History group has a good programme for the coming months. The film nights are in full swing and members are encouraged to join these groups to avoid disappointment in the case of delays or postponement.
Unfortunately, the proposed Bridge group did not attract enough members to make it viable.
The travel group has attracted 3 more volunteers to help, and several trips are planned.
26th May – Trip to Valencia
20th June – Trip to Gandia
There will soon be a travel newsletter produced which will no doubt prove very useful.
More trips are being planned, and members are encouraged to look out for details in our regular updates.
Membership Liaison
Steve said some concerns had been raised and had been responded to.
A member asked if it were possible to make a monetary donation to the Ukraine relief fund, but after discussion it was determined that the U3A was not allowed under our constitution to donate money from member’s subscriptions. Prue said she would discuss the request with the Committee
2nd Call
Prue made the 2nd Call for the AGM
End of Year Report
Despite last year being a difficult one with the pandemic and the completion of Brexit, the Moraira – Teulada U3A continues to thrive. We currently have 1300 + members and our accounts are very healthy despite a moratorium on fees for membership last year. Many social events were curtailed, but the association did manage to hold a very enjoyable Hog Roast. Most groups managed to be active at some stage in the year. We also managed to make a very substantial contribution to MABS.
Approval of Accounts
Tony Old gave a report on the accounts for 2021, which have been audited and approved by our Auditor. The accounts are available on the website.
It was proposed by Peter Griffiths and seconded by Noelene Cummins that these accounts be approved. This was voted in the affirmative by a majority show of hands.
Vote of Thanks to the 2022 / 2023 Committee
A vote of thanks to the outgoing Committee was proposed by Hugh Stewart and seconded by John Snell. This was approved by a majority show of hands.
As Election Officer, Peter Griffiths took over the second part of the meeting. As there were no contested posts, the procedure was quite straight forward and only required a show of hands for the votes to be registered,
The outgoing Committee Members for 2021 / 2022 who were either retiring or standing for re-election were as follows:
President Prue Jackson
Vice President Tony Old
Secretary Peter Johnson
Treasurer Vacant
Membership Secretary Pat Clarke
Group Coordinator vacant
Travel Coordinator vacant
Deputy Treasurer Steve Higham (Acting )
Deputy Secretary vacant
Social Events Officer Tony Old
Membership/Committee Liaison Steve Higham
Part One: The following nominees stood individually and were voted for separately.
President – Prue Jackson. A Majority vote in favour of Prue
Vice President – Tony Old. A Majority vote in favour of Tony
Secretary – Paul Sankey. A Majority vote in favour of Paul
Treasurer – Annette Wall. A Majority vote in favour of Annette
Membership Secretary – Pat Clarke. A Majority vote in favour of Pat
Groups Coordinator – vacant.
Part Two: Peter read out the nominees and the positions for the rest of the Committee posts and asked the new nominees to stand and make themselves known to the members.
Deputy Secretary – vacant
Deputy / Travel Treasurer – Steve Higham
Social Events Officer – Tony Old
Members without Portfolio – Peter Johnson, Eileen Haxon, David Haxon.
Peter called for a show of hands for all these positions to be voted for en bloc; there was a majority vote in favour of all the Nominees.
The non-voting Committee Position that does not require a vote.
Membership/Committee Liaison Officer – Steve Higham
Peter Griffiths said the voting procedure was now concluded and asked if there were any matters arising from the elections, there were none. Peter passed the microphone to the President for 2022/ 2023, Prue Jackson.
Prue thanked Peter for conducting the Election of Officers as well as thanking all the members for electing her as President. Thanks also to all the Committee Members, volunteers, Group Leaders, Sub-committee members and Webmasters for all their support for the U3A.
She said we all looked forward to a better year in 2022.
AGM closed at 11:15
President – Prue Jackson Secretary – Peter Johnson
Date ………………………………………..