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Minutes of the 2nd May 2022 General Meeting
University of the Third Age (U3A) Moraira – Teulada
2nd May 2022 General Meeting
Held at the Salon GL, Avenida Mediteraneo 32, Teulada
- Welcome
Prue Jackson opened the meeting and reminded everyone of the procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency. She also updated everyone on the changed requirements for the wearing of masks but that “you can if you want to”.
2. Synopsis of the minutes of the meeting held on 4th April 2022
Tony Old gave a synopsis of the minutes of the most recent meeting.
As usual the full minutes of that meeting had been posted onto the website, approval was proposed by Steve Higham, seconded by David Haxon and approved by the members present via a show of hands.
3. Presidents Address
Prue began by thanking the Mosaics group for their display which was excellent and received a round of applause from members.
Prue was able to confirm that drinks will be available at the 10th May Concert for the Ukraine and volunteer bar staff had been identified to help serve drinks. The first welcome drink will be included in the price and we were hoping to get donations from attendees for anything served during the interval.
A Europe Day staged by the Town Hall would be going ahead on May 7th and all cake and biscuit donations to our stall would be much appreciated. Cindy Hinton had volunteered to manage the stall (which looked very well stocked on the day).
There was a question regarding which charity or charities should receive the monies raised for the Ukraine. Following a lengthy discussion Dave Peachy proposed that the decision should be taken by the Committee. This was approved by the members present via a show of hands.
The Committee had also been discussing the style of General Meetings, recognising the fact that other U3A areas had moved to a less formal “coffee morning” format. The move to one formal meeting per quarter with the less formal sessions in the intervening months was supported by the Committee and members were asked for comments. This resulted in a deal of discussion but the proposal was approved by a show of hands. The June General Meeting would go ahead in the usual venue as planned but July would be in the new style at the HillTop Gastro Bar.
4. Treasurers Report
Annette Warr reported as follows:
At the end of the month we had 31,195 Euro in the bank and cash held.
Creditors increased to 3.055 Euro last month as proceeds from the “Make a Smile” quiz night of 330 Euro are held awaiting presentation to the charity. This was in addition to the Gandia trip commitments of 745 Euro for the coach and guided tour costs. 38 tickets had been sold for this trip therefore it would be self-funding.
Only 40 Euro had been paid out in refunds last month with 1,840 still outstanding. If members were owed money in relation to the postponed Xmas dinner or travel trips cancelled due the pandemic they were asked to let us know ASAP.
Due to very generous donations and ticket sales 2,110 Euro was held for the Ukraine fund, hopefully this would be increased further by contributions on the night (10th May).
The Queens Jubilee “Party in the Park” had so far sold tickets amounting to 1,875 Euro. This along with the Ukraine fund are treated as creditors, leaving net funds available to the U3A of approximately 14,000 Euro, plus the contingency fund of 10,000 Euro.
We had also received 450 Euro in membership subscriptions from new and existing members, making a total of 14,000 Euro for the year to date.
Annette reminded members that the full accounts are available via the website.
5. Groups and Travel
In the absence of a Group Leader Prue Jackson introduced a new member, Colin Simmonds who talked about a group that he wanted to form called Philosophy of Life that would focus on creating a positive atmosphere and having fun. He gave examples from his wide experience of doing this in the past and asked that anyone interested should contact him. Prue will put the details in the next newsletter.
There was to be a meeting of the Travel Group on Friday May 6th and they were very open to receiving suggestions on where trips might be arranged in the future.
Prue stressed that organisers were badly needed for trips and that the events would not organise themselves! If anyone is interested in organising trips they should contact her.
6. Social Events Report
Tony Old confirmed the arrangements for the Queens Platinum Celebration, a special “Party in the park” at Font Santa on Friday 3rd June. Over 200 tickets had been sold to date and this would probably increase further via online sales.
Bunting could be obtained from LettersRus in Moraira and he thought that beach shops would probably have flags. Helpers would be needed to set up (around 9.00 AM) and to close to down (around 16.30) the event and volunteers would be most welcome.
7. Membership Liaison Report
Steve Higham confirmed that there was nothing to report.
8. Any Other Business
David Haxon gave an update on the progress of “Make a Smile” fundraising with 330 Euro raised at the recent quiz night. There will be at least one more event with an update on progress.
The meeting closed at 11.14 AM.
President – Prue Jackson ………………………………..
Secretary – Paul Sankey …………………………………..
Dated ………………………………