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Minutes – General Monthly Meeting – 3 February 2020
University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada
Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on
3 February 2020 at Salon G.L., Teulalda
at 10:30
It is confirmed that the President and the Secretary attended the meeting as voted in at the AGM on 4 March 2019.
David Haxon, the President, welcomed everyone to the Meeting including the 18 new members. He confirmed the usual security checks had been made, pointed out the emergency exits and asked for mobile phone to be switched off.
Prue Jackson read out the synopsis of the minutes of the meeting on 6 January 2020. The full minutes had been put on the U3A website and were proposed by Hugh Stewart, seconded by Robin Woods and approved by the members with a show of hands.
Presidents Address
David said how lovely it was to see the sun after the recent storms. January was a busy month with busy renewal desks which means we are on track for a high membership once again. With the AGM on 2 March 2020 David said how important it was to have Members come forward and volunteer for the vacant positions on the Committee as well as Non-Committee posts. The U3A cannot exist without a Committee. If no-one comes forward, an extra burden will be put on the existing Committee Members who will have to fill more than one role, if the U3A Moraira-Teulada is to operate efficiently. Finally, David said he could not stress enough, the importance of this message.
Treasurer – Graham gave the opening of the U3A account as €8,729.46 and after income, expenditure and accruals the closing balance was €5,568.35. He then moved on to the Travel Account which had an opening balance of €10,426.08 and after income, expenditure and accruals the closing balance was €570.23. The intention is to increase the Contingency in due course. There were no queries from the Reports which can be seen on the website.
Group Coordinator – The Group Leaders dinner takes place on 6 Thursday, which is a way of saying a big thank you to them for all their hard work. A further Mosaic Group is planned and the Film Library will be ready soon.
Travel Coordinator – Lynn said seven trips had been planned, which included two over-night trips to Andorra and to the ‘white villages’ in the South of Spain. All details are on the boards by the Travel Desk as well as details of all trips on the website. Lynn finished by asking members to keep using the Suggestion box at the General Monthly Meetings.
Committee/Membership Liaison – David said Steve Higham was away at the moment, but there was nothing to report. Any member with a question or comment can contact Steve by email, in confidence and he will raise the subject with the Committee.
Cultural Arts – Beverly gave brief details of coming events, with full details on the website. Live transmissions from the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden London, are broadcast directly to Calpe, Alfaz del Pi and Denia. 17 March – Fidelio and 1 April Swan Lake. 6 February – Caprice Ladies Choir present ‘Circle of Life’ at the San Josep Ermita, La Fustera. 14 March – Concerts Costa Blanca presents Rossini at the Valencian house. 28 March – Todos Juntos and Concerts Costa Blanco presents Carmen at the Valencia Opera House. Hugh then advised that he and Beverly were stepping down from this position after 6 years. He urged Members to give consideration to taking up this position. It was not a Committee position and involved around 2 to 3 hours per week. Anyone interested should contact either Beverly, himself or any of the Committee.
David thanked them for all their hard work and wished them happy travels.
Matters Arising From the Reports – Lynn wanted to mention the suggestion of a Bridge Group. A lady was interested but could not be a leader as she was not in Spain all year. Anyone interested, please contact Lynn.
Any Other Business – Candy Wright from the ‘Help’ shop in Teulada, across the road from G.L., Salon, the U3A meeting room, asked for donations of clothes and other items for them to sell. Please take anything to the shop.
Eileen then, for the last time as Speakers Liaison, introduced Cheda who would be talking on the Spanish and their customs. After an extremely interesting and information talk, including, often humorous slides, the Members showed their appreciation with a rousing round of applause. Cheda was presented with a bottle of his favourite tipple as a thank you.
The raffle was then drawn with the winning ticket number 312, held by Nicky Dowdeswell who received a voucher for JYSK.
The meeting ended at 12:40
Proposed as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 3 February 2020
Proposed by ………………………………………….Seconded by………………………………….Date ………….
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