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Inauguration of memorial for Trevor Kemp 14th Sept.
Many of you will remember Trevor Kemp – a good friend in our U3A who died last year.
He was always at our General Meetings where he enjoyed meeting his friends in the various groups he supported and greeting new members who wanted to join those groups.
Many of you will remember him organising or supporting the Drama Group, the Photography Group and the Film Group and he was also enthusiastic supporter of the Friends of Avinenca Group which helped to maintain the La Senillar nature pond by the beach.
Trevor died in February last year and his family wanted a permanent memorial in the village which he loved.
Unfortunately, these things take a great deal of time and effort when dealing with the Ayuntamiento but we finally had permission to install a bench in his memory which is in the little park overlooking the nature pond which he spent so much time helping to maintain.
His family and members of our U3A will gather at 1.00pm on Saturday 14th September to dedicate the bench in memory of Trevor and everyone is very welcome and I hope many of you who knew Trevor will join us in drinking a glass of cava – or orange juice – in his memory.