Walks began as scheduled on 9th January. 30+ walkers arrived which was surprising as it was a new walk at La Plana below Montgo and quite a long way to drive.
After the walk about 15 walkers settled for coffee at Almanecer bar. They were treated to free biscuits and plates of pastry cakes with ice cream on top! Unfortunately Thursday’s walk was cancelled due to rain.
The 2nd walk was a stiff one on Cumbre. It was very hot and some had too many clothes on and two ladies fainted! Walkers should always have breakfast before walking and carry water.
The next walk at Parcent was muddy after a rare shower, and a new walk called the Jalon Loop was done at the end of the month. This was level and would have had lovely views if it had not been dull with low cloud.
The Walk Leader and sweeper have Walkie-Talkies and hi viz jackets. Walkers must keep between them at all times. Keeping in contact is essential as the group can get strung out and should there be an ‘incident’ the sweeper must be able to contact the Leader.
This proved necessary on one of the walks when 3 walkers arrived after the walk began and had to catch up so the sweeper was able to contact the Walk Leader. One walker fell so the sweeper was able to stop the Leader while the injured chap was seen to. We are always conscious that not everyone is surefooted or can walk as quickly as the others. All walks this month have attracted 30+ walkers.
N M Cummins