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Guide for Group Leaders
Group Leaders are at the heart of the U3A movement, without them, there would be no Association. If you are interested in becoming a Group Leader, please read the questions and answers below.
Further information is available in the Group Leaders’ Notes below
Q. What does a Group Leader have to do?
- Arrange the frequency and location of the meetings (the groups Coordinator can assist you if required)
- Maintain a list of group members (with membership numbers, checking their membership is up to date)
- Keep a record of income and expenditure – if applicable
- Keep the group’s web page entry up to date via the groups Coordinator
- Inform the groups Coordinator of interesting news for the website, newsletter etc.
Q. Do I need any qualifications or special skills?
A. No, but you should have access to a computer and the Internet, as you will need it to communicate with members and the U3A
Q. Does the Group Leader receive any payment?
A. Definitely not – nobody gets paid for time spent on U3A business. Some expenses may be reimbursed – please speak to the groups Coordinator for further information
Q. What resources are available?
The Association also has a projector with screen and PA system for the use of groups, on request. Other equipment may be available, as groups acquire it for their own permanent permanent or occasional use – please enquire with the groups Coordinator
Q. Do the Group Leaders meet regularly?
A.The monthly general meetings are an opportunity for group leaders to meet, exchange ideas, advertise the activities of their group and meet with the groups Coordinator – group leaders are expected to attend as often as possible. There is also an annual thank you supper, for leaders and their partners, paid for by the U3A, during which group leaders have the opportunity to socialise and meet the U3A President, Treasurer and Committee
Q. How do I become a Group Leader?
A. Contact the Groups Coordinator Marian Schreurs
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Notes for Group Leaders
1. Group Leaders need to coordinate the activities of their group so that members know when and where the meetings are taking place. They also need to advise the Groups Coordinator of the place and times of their meetings and any changes to email addresses or phone number.
2. The normal method of communication in the U3A is by email and it is helpful to set up contact groups in your email system people not on email should be encouraged to phone you for future dates and events or check the newsletter.
3. Details of the Groups’ activities should be sent to the group co-ordinator and it is particularly important to keep the Webmaster informed of any calendar changes or contact details.
4. News about group activities of special interest, with photos if possible, should be sent for submission to the webmaster and news letter editor with a copy to the group coordinator.
1. All groups should be self financing and it will be the Group Leaders’ job to liaise with the other members of the group how this is to be managed. A record of the income and expenditure should be maintained.
2. There is no payment to Group Leaders for their time involved in preparing meetings. This time is a voluntary contribution to the U3A. Time as a Group Leader in the U3A is part of the ethos of lifetime learning. Organising, research, developing skills, helping fellow members and maintaining an active lifestyle are just some of the benefits of being a Group Leader.
3. Group Leaders should be reimbursed for the actual costs of each individual meeting, by the members at that meeting. These costs include items such as premises, refreshments, photocopying, craft materials, consumables for cookery, art etc. Many members of the U3A are unable to attend every group meeting and it would be unfair to expect them to contribute towards the cost of meetings which they are unable to attend
4. Where there are fixed costs which have to be paid regardless of the number of Group members attending , such as room hire, Instructors, etc. Group leaders may ask for payment in advance.
5. Meetings are sometimes held in member’s homes and it is reasonable to charge for tea/coffee and biscuits and when provided members are asked to contribute up to €2 per person. If more elaborate refreshments are provided, then the group leader should make an estimate of the cost and divide it among those present.
6. There should never be a surplus of funds within a group, as the actual costs are met at the time. Nor should any group leader be out of pocket for actual expenses they have incurred as stated above.
1. If items of equipment are required for a group, the group leader should submit a request to the Group co-ordinator. These items could be anything that furthers the purpose of the group – whiteboards, playing cards etc. These items will be the property of the U3A Moraira-Teulada, looked after by the group leader, and will be recorded by the Treasurer in a register of assets.
2. Shared resources such as the projector, PA system, etc are available for the use of any group. If you wish to use any of these, please contact Prue Jackson to establish where they are stored. Group leaders must first learn how to use the equipment and ensure its safety.
1. Groups are encouraged to organise excursions to places of interest relevant to their group activities. If desired, these excursions can be thrown open to the wider membership, and the Travel Team can assist with organisation and publicity.
1. Group members should be encouraged to assist in the running of the group and be prepared to continue with the group activities in the absence of the Group Leader.
2. Joint or Deputy Leaders should be appointed where appropriate.
3. A register of members of the group should be kept and the group leader must ensure that everyone attending is a paid up member of Moraira Teulada U3A. Details of income and expenditure should be submitted to the group coordinator quarterly by those groups where this is applicable when it is necessary to pay for room hire, materials, payment to a professional teacher etc., over and above the normal maximum of €2.
We hope that these notes will be of use in running your group and help to maintain consistency within U3A Moraira-Teulada.
Contact: Groups Coordinator