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General Meeting Minutes -1st November 2021
University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada
Minutes of the General Meeting held on 1st November 2021
Those taking part: Committee Members: Prue Jackson, Peter Johnson, Pat Clarke, Stephen Higham, David and Eileen Haxon.
Apologies for Absence: Paul Sankey, Tony Old
- Welcome and Reminder of Emergency and Safety Precautions.
The President welcomed everyone to the meeting, reminding the attendees of the emergency and safety procedures.
Synopsis of the minutes from 4th October 2021.
The Secretary gave a synopsis of the minutes from our last general meeting held on the 4th October 2021.
- Approval of the Minutes of 6th September 2021
Approval of these minutes was proposed by Sue Donadio and seconded by Keith Yewlett. These minutes were approved by those present.
- Presidents Address
Prue gave a warm welcome once again, and went on to report that we have had 125 new joiners in recent weeks bringing the membership to over 2015. Monthly meetings will continue to be held in the current location for the foreseeable future, and guest speakers were welcomed. The December meeting scheduled for the 6th December will be a slightly different format, with live entertainment by Dave Peachey, a quiz, raffle and festive treats. In October many of the groups resumed activities including the Art and History, Film and Wine Tasting groups. It was hoped that numbers attending events will gradually improve as the pandemic recedes and confidence in meeting in larger numbers increases. A recent quiz at the Inn on the Green, organised by Eileen and David Haxon raised 410 euros for MABS.
Several committee positions are still vacant, including Treasurer and Deputy Secretary. A travel coordinator is still being sought, and with many trips and excursions being planned, this will be an important role in the association. If anyone wishes to have further details about any of the vacant positions, they are encouraged to contact Prue or any committee member.
- Treasurers Report
Steve Higham once again gave a comprehensive report on the association finances which are healthy and in good order. These details can be found on our website. Member’s subscriptions for 2022 were discussed. As the accounts are healthy it was proposed by Colin McNae and seconded by Noelene Cummings that member’s subscriptions for 2022 be levied at 10 euros. This was passed by a show of hands from the members present. Subscriptions will once again be collected on 2 separate occasions in the Salon de Actos, Espai La Senieta, Moraira, details of which will be sent to members in the newsletters, in addition to the general Meetings.
Due to the ongoing difficulties with Sabadell bank, it has been decided to change the association accounts to La Caixa bank. This is progressing, albeit with the usual Spanish tardiness.
- Groups and Travel
Groups activities are starting to flourish once again, Peter Holley will be leading the computer group and will be given some help and assistance by Peter Bayliss who is also our webmaster. The badminton group will once again offer a discount to our members, and there is the possibility of an advanced group starting up. The Arts and History group will be holding 2 presentations in November, and there will also be 2 film nights in La Senieta, details of which can be found in the newsletter and on the website. A water colour painting group may be established in the near future.
The trip to La Zenia Boulevard, organised by Eileen and David Haxon is now fully subscribed, and future excursions are being planned. Volunteers are requested to plan and coordinate trips.
- Social Report
The 2 Christmas Dinner evenings organised by Tony Old are now fully subscribed, with a small subsidy from the association funds, (500 euros), to defray the entertainment costs for both events. As previously mentioned, plans are being drawn up for a Spring Dinner Dance, details to be advised in due course.
- Membership Liaison
Steve Higham stated that he had received no communications from members
Sharon Taylor gave a brief update on the situation here in Spain regarding the continued use of UK driving licenses and advised that the British Embassy were now recommending that members still using residencia certificates to change these to the TIE card.
The meeting closed at 11:05am
Proposed as a true and accurate record of the meeting held on 1st November 2021
Secretary of the Meeting ………………………………….Peter Johnson