General Meeting – 6th December 2021

General Meeting – Monday, 6th December 2021
Venue: Salon GL Teulada
Meeting starts 10:30, Doors open 9:30 a.m.


It’s party time !

This is our last General Meeting before Christmas, and we want to make it a bit special.

There will be free coffee and mince pies for everyone and, after the meeting, we will have a quiz, followed by our very own Dave Peachey entertaining us with a few songs to put us in a festive mood.
At the end there will be a free raffle with some great prizes.
Don’t forget to bring along your Santa hats !!  

Please do come along and join us. Doors will be open at 9.30. David and Eileen Haxon will be selling tickets for the trip to Ikea and Murcia on 9th February, and it will be a good opportunity to meet up with other members.

Please click on this link to view the agenda.
General Meeting Venue

Prue Jackson, President