Minutes Annual General Meeting – 4th March 2019

University of the Third Age Moraira-Teulada

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on

4 March 2019 at Salon G. L., Teulada at 10:30

It is confirmed that the President and the Secretary attended this meeting as voted in at the AGM on 5 March 2018.

David Haxon made the First Call for the AGM at 10:00 as this must happen half an hour before the Elections, in case there is an insufficient proportion of membership present to hold an AGM.

David welcomed all members to the meeting, then asked for mobile phones to be switched off, confirmed the security checks had been done and advised details of the emergency procedure.

Prue Jackson read out the synopsis of the minutes of the 4 February 2019 meeting. The full minutes had been posted on the website, and were proposed by Beverly Stewart and seconded by Peter Bayliss.

Presidents Address: After welcoming all the members to the meeting, David said he could hardly believe that it was a year since he took over from John Hopwood, as President. It had been a busy year celebrating the U3A Moraira-Teulada’s 10th Anniversary. Every event was well supported by the members and well organised by the Committee, Group Leaders and many members who helped on so many occasions. The renewal meetings had been extremely busy and well organised by the Membership Secretary Pat Clarke.


Treasurer – Carin said on 4 February the total held was €13.273,61. After income of €5.460,00 and expenses of €4.234,13, which included the annual premium for the Liability Insurance of €1.391,63 and the Group Leaders dinner €1.975,00 the amount now held was €14.499,48. Carin confirmed the full report will be on the website.

Travel Group – Carol said there was just one trip that had places available which was the Italian trip In March. The Ikea trip had one full coach but, unfortunately as there were not enough people to fill the second coach, just the one coach would be going. At the moment the Travel Group were planning trips to Valencia, including a shopping trip, as well as visits to Alicante. Further information will be available during the year. Details of all Trips can be found on the Travel page on the website.

Group Coordinator – Lynn said the TV screen, near the Groups desk, showed a rolling screen of Group information which was thanks to the Webmasters. Several Groups had vacancies with a new Group – Walking Netball which is hoped to start in April. A suggestion for – Partner lunch Group. As some members are unable to join an evening eating group and, as there are Groups for solo lunches, it is hoped this new group will be popular. The Walking Football Group held a Tournament in Moraira. There were 6 teams from around the area, such as Calpe and Javea and Lynn had the honour of presenting a cup to the winning team, from Moraira. Lynn then introduced Ian Brown who was the Film Group Leader. Ian said he had received a request from a member to borrow a DVD as they had missed the Monday showing. Ian had received confirmation that the Film Licence would cover the loan of DVD’s for U3A members own use at their homes, without charge, with a two week return date. (if not returned after four weeks, the €10 deposit is forfeited), the monies going towards the purchase of further DVD’s. Forms would need to be signed, noting the terms and conditions of hire. A list of all shown DVD’s would be available shortly and would be on the website. Members should contact the Film Group if they wished to join the group. The lending should be available from April.

Cultural Arts Events – Beverly Stewart read out many events during March and April which included 8 and 9 March the Careline Theatre, in Alcalali, presents classical theatre – The Trojan War, an Iliad. 25 March the talented Lang Lang will be performing at the concert hall in Valencia and Concerts Costa Blanca will be arranging tickets and transport as usual. Also on 25 March a Gala night for the Javea Players presentation of ‘My Fair Lady’ at the Union Musical, Gata de Gorgos. 6 April Teulada-Moraira Lions present the Liverpool Band in the Auditori Teulada. Full details of these and all events can be found on the website.

Membership/Committee Liaison – Dot said it was now a year since taking on this role. The new website was now up to date and easier to use, with a change of software. Dot was also on a sub-Committee working on necessary changes to the Internal Regulations. Dot finished by saying if members had any queries, they should contact her and hopefully they would find the answers satisfactory.

Any Other Business – Eileen Haxon mentioned a recent talk from Buster Smith about resuscitation, amongst other things. Following this talk Buster organised a class for the members that wished to learn more about First Aid. It was now Eileen’s pleasure to present certificates to Colin and Sue Donadio, Brian and Pauline Eales and also to Eileen’s husband and herself.

David made the Second Call for the AGM at 11:00

End of Year Reports 2018 – Carin read out the end of year Reports/Accounts for the U3A which were proposed by Colin Donadio and seconded by Peter Griffiths. Carol read out the end of year Reports/Accounts for the Travel Group which were proposed by Sue Donadio and seconded by Jacqui Bayliss. Both sets of accounts and reports can be seen on the website.

David thanked the outgoing Committee for their support and assistance during the last year as well as the Webmasters and people arranging the Sound System for the Monthly General Meetings. He then asked the three Committee Members who had decided to ‘retire’, to come to the front. Shirley Tuckey the New Members Liaison Officer. Steve Higham the Deputy Treasurer and Carin Derksen the Treasurer. In recognition of their commitment to the U3A David presented them each with a small gift. In addition two Group Leaders have retired, John Manley and Linda West were presented with gifts.

David introduced Peter Griffiths as the Election Officer.

Peter said there were no contested posts so the procedure was quite straight forward and only required a show of hands for the votes to be registered. If it could be seen that there was a large majority of votes for the nominees, he would not call for votes against. Some of the outgoing Committee had agreed to re-stand for election so Brian asked the members if they were happy to vote as before and they indicated that they were, this meant that a show of hands to register the vote FOR was all that was required.

The vote would be in two parts. Part one would be for the seven executive posts which have to be voted on individually. The executive positions are those Committee Members who are legally required and identified for a specific role. Part two is for the remaining posts and can be voted for en bloc. These are Committee posts which are created to fulfil management tasks as required. There were no questions arising from the procedure.

The outgoing Committee Members for 2018 who are either retiring or re-standing for election are as follows:

President                                                                         David Haxon

Vice President                                                                 Prue Jackson

Treasurer                                                                         Carin Derksen

Secretary                                                                          Christine Crossfield-Lobb (Titch)

Membership Secretary                                                  Pat Clarke

Group Coordinator                                                         Lynn Clark

Travel Group Treasurer/Coordinator                          Carol Mantle

Deputy Secretary                                                            Janice Wilson

Deputy Treasurer                                                            Steve Higham

Speakers Liaison                                                              Eileen Haxon

Press Officer                                                                     John Hopwood

Discount Officer                                                              Jayne Wintle

Social Events Officer                                                       Tony Old

Membership/Committee Liaison Officer                     Dot Garrett

The Election

Part One: The following nominees stood individually and were voted for separately.

President – David Haxon was the nominee. A majority vote in favour of David

Vice President – Prue Jackson was the nominee. A majority vote in favour of Prue

Secretary – Christine Crossfield-Lobb was the nominee. A majority vote in favour of Christine (Titch)

Treasurer – Graham Whitelocks was the nominee. A majority vote in favour of Graham

Membership Secretary – Pat Clarke was the nominee. A majority vote in favour of Pat

Group Coordinator – Lynn Clark was the nominee. A majority vote in favour of Lynn

Travel Group Treasurer/Coordinator – Carol Mantle was the nominee. A majority vote in favour of Carol

Part Two: Peter read out the nominees and positions for the rest of the Committee posts and asked the new nominees to stand and make themselves known to the members.

Deputy Secretary – Sue Popkin

Deputy Treasurer – Janice Wilson

Speakers Liaison – Eileen Haxon

Press Officer – John Hopwood

Discount Officer – Jayne Wintle

Social Events Officer – Tony Old

Membership/Committee Liaison – Dot Garrett

Peter called for a show of hands for all these positions to be voted for en bloc; there was a majority vote in favour of all the Nominees.

David thanked Peter for conducting the election of officers as well as thanking the Members for their continued support. He welcomed the new Committee Members and on behalf of himself, and the Committee, said he would continue to give a commitment for the success of Moraira-Teulada U3A.

Peter Bayliss, one of the Webmasters, gave a brief presentation of the alterations he and Piotr Azir had made to the website. The changes should make it easier for members to find out all about the Groups, displaying only current information with the addition of a calendar of events. A thank you to Peter with a round of applause from the members.

The raffle was drawn and Sue Popkin held the winning ticket 288, she received a voucher for The Steak House, Moraira.

The AGM closed at 11:30

The next Monthly General Meeting will be held on 1 April 2019

Proposed by …………………………………………………
Seconded by ………………………………………Date………………………..

Secretary of the AGM…………………………………………Titch Crossfield-Lobb